The rollout of “Bringing Columbia Home” took a lot more of my time and energy than I anticipated! It has been a wild, wonderful ride. But it has taken me away from updating my personal blog.

In between book-related events, I’ve been getting back into astrophotography, in a big way. Last summer’s eclipse whetted my appetite for getting a telescope and trying my hand at taking photos of the night sky.

In the coming weeks and months, I intend to be much more regular in posting the results of my efforts, and passing along some of the tricks I have learned along the way. It’s not a hobby for the faint of heart or people who are easily frustrated. Let me leave it at that for the time being.

In the meantime, here are a select few of some of my shots taken at a July 2018 star party at Mayo River State Park, North Carolina. In order, they’re the Swan Nebula (also called the Omega Nebula), the Dumbbell Nebula, the Gamma Cygni region, the Eagle Nebula (famous for the Hubble “Pillars of Creation”), and the Ring Nebula.

More to come!